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Paige – Cyclist

Paige – Cyclist

I’m a pretty cheap person by nature, but I believe the money spent on this supplement is worth it. For the amount of time, money and energy I put into my training and racing on the bike, this relatively small investment helps me get ready to perform each day, day...
Ty & Soupha – Crossfit Initiative Owners

Ty & Soupha – Crossfit Initiative Owners

As gym owners, it’s important to us take care of our bodies and lead by example. Vitakinetics, combined with a healthy diet, allow us to maintain a very active lifestyle without the chronic inflammation plaguing Americans. Good decisions add up to health. And we value...
Leah – Busy Single Mom

Leah – Busy Single Mom

I am a single mom of four young children. Nutrition is a value I strive to instill in our home. Vitakinetcs offers me the boost I need to operate at the optimal level required to manage our busy lifestyle. When I feel my best, I function at my best. Whether it’s...
Connie –  Local media Personality

Connie – Local media Personality

As an active entrepreneur in the media business, I am often working long hours or hosting events in heels. Usually I’m dealing with significant hip pain after being on my feet for long hours. The next day I was always in pain. It would intrude on my physical activity...