When I heard my dear friend and colleague Carolyn was investing in a supplement specially designed for healing, recovery and inflammation, I was super interested. I’ve known Carolyn for 15 years and witnessed her own personal health transformation through...
As a long-time user and fan of VitaKinetics for management of sport-related exertion/inflammation, I knew I wanted to get my son on the supplement for recovery from his ankle surgery (bilateral ligament reconstruction scar tissue removal). He started double doses...
I was blessed to have my daughter share an extra bottle of VitaKinetics with me over the Easter holiday. After years of struggling with a leaky gut and thyroid hormone issues, I am now finally seeing an improvement in my blood work. I go yearly to have blood work done...
I have been working the front lines of COVID and thanks to VitaKinetics and the boost to my immune system, I am staying healthy. I appreciate the extra support during these pandemic times.
At the TMJ and Sleep Therapy Centre of Reno, we promote overall health and focus on treating pain in the head and neck. We know that reducing inflammation through diet and supplements is the most effective way to treat pain. Natural products that reduce inflammation...
Determined to return to an active life after ACL/Meniscus surgery, I knew it would take perseverance, a good attitude, and the right partnerships to heal. Partnering with a great surgeon, excellent physical therapy, and VitaKinetics has helped me to fully recover....