Cooking (from scratch) is the single most important thing we could do as a family to improve our health and general well being. —Michael Pollan What Is Real Food?To put it simply, to eat well, you must eat real food, not something that only looks...
Did you know that one in four Americans suffer from pain per the National Center for Health Statistics? Pain is the primary reason for seeking health care services. In 2010, the annual cost of pain was greater than the annual cost of heart disease, cancer...
Common medications to address symptoms of pain following orthopedic injury or surgery are those targeted to reduce inflammation. The problem, is that these same medications that reduce pain via inflammatory regulation also impair healing, disrupt the integrity of the...
What do papaya and pineapple have in common besides being tropical fruit? They contain potent vegetarian proteases. A protease is an proteolytic enzyme that helps break down protein. How does this relate to healing from orthopedic injury or surgery? A lot actually....
Is it possible that bacteria could aid in healing from injury or surgery?Yes. In fact it is important to promote the variety of bacteria in your gut to promote immune health, reduce pain and reduce risk of infection. As described in an earlier post about...