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Summer time is here. Summer is your time to get outside in the sunshine. Summer is for water sports. Summer is for hiking. Summer is for taking your kids to the waterpark. Summer is for dancing at weddings. Summer is for enjoying cocktails at the BBQ.

Summer is for soreness from doing a few things you aren’t normally doing.

While we try to maintain our fitness throughout the year, when summer roles around, the shift in our activity is inevitable. This also means a bit of soreness related to inflammation.

Here is a personal example. On a recent trip with the family to Colorado, our founder, went hiking near the Flat Irons. What this means is functionally putting the weight lifting to work while climbing and descending rock stairs. No amount of box jumps or squats truly prepares you for this activity at this altitude.

Summer Soreness

VitaKinetics helps recovery from the new onset of soreness as you enjoy summer activities (or extra drinks). Go for that hike, enjoy that cocktail during the summer BBQ and support your recovery with VitaKinetics so you can participate in next summer activity tomorrow.