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Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully

Is there a fountain of youth? Technically no. Youth fountains are only for fairytales. Aging is inevitable. Simply stated, it is the process of being alive. Aging is the result of both genetic and environmental factors over time. Three main factors effect aging:...
Postpartum Inflammation Support

Postpartum Inflammation Support

Did you know you can experience inflammation even during one of the most joyous moments of your life?Motherhood is one of the most amazing gifts. It is also one of the most physically and emotionally demanding roles a women can have.A lot has changed in how mothers...
Summer Soreness

Summer Soreness

Summer time is here. Summer is your time to get outside in the sunshine. Summer is for water sports. Summer is for hiking. Summer is for taking your kids to the waterpark. Summer is for dancing at weddings. Summer is for enjoying cocktails at the BBQ.Summer is for...
Is VitaKinetics for me?

Is VitaKinetics for me?

Many times we are asked, “Who should be taking VitaKinetics?” While it is not for everyone, it may actually be a good choice for you.Our initial research in formulation was in orthopedic injury and surgical recovery to reduce the need for pain meds to reduce pain and...
Vitamin Myths

Vitamin Myths

Vitamin(s), a noun, is defined as a group of organic compounds which are essential (as we cannot synthesize them without ingesting them nor live without them) for normal growth. However, in North America, a vitamin is considered a pill containing a specified amount of...